Hospital GUI

This project was my first implementation of a linked list. All patient information was stored inside the linked list. Instead of using the built in linked list function, I created my own Node and LinkedList class. Actionlisteners were implemented without the assistance of EZ. Two frames were created for the GUI: one that lists the options the user can choose from, and another that pops up a new window displaying the option that was chosen. Patient data was sorted by patient number from lowest to highest.

This project was a great learning experience for me. This assignment was my first real experience of putting everything that I learned in the class together to put together something comprehensive. Usually, assignments are topic based and do not really take into account the other things you learn throughout the semester. This project was an individual project and I received no assistance from other people. It was really satisfying to create this GUI and gave me a sense of accomplishment, although it might be very trivial to most people. I believe it was a decent milestone for me.

Source: chan-jeong98/hospitalGUI